Migrants, refugees and international students


We provide assistance primarly for undocumented migrants, assylum seekers and other vulnerable groups. Our services include emergency accomodation and food for undocumented migrants. We provide also safe and confidential contacts with authorities for our clients.

Oulu Evangelical Lutheran Parishes are dedicated to promote equality. We are strongly committed to combat honour related violence and human trafficking.

Internationl students can find more information from the following link: https://www.oulunseurakunnat.fi/english/do-you-need-help/students


If you are interested generally in Christianity or the Lutheran Church you can also contact the parish in your area. You will find all Oulu parishes here.


Contact our international staff for information and meeting appointments preferably Mon-Fri before 5 pm.:


In cases of assistance for undocumented migrants, assylum seekers and other vulnerable groups please contact:

Pastor for international work Árpád Kovács
arpad.kovacs@evl.fi, tel. +358 40 524 2778

Secretary for international and multicultural affairs Anneli Nieminen
anneli.nieminen@evl.fi, tel. + 358  40 574 7105


International student counselling please contact:

Kaija Siniluoto, Deacon for students and international ministry
     kaija.siniluoto@evl.fi, tel. +358 40 574 7132